
Google AdWords Vocabulary Made Simple

Google AdWords, also known as Google Ads, is a powerful marketing platform designed by Google where businesses can pay to have their content strategically placed to reach a well-targeted audience. These advertisements are most commonly placed in the results of search engines, known as Search Engine Marketing or SEM, and when strategically used can have

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Nanaimo Digital Marketing Agency

How to Find Competitive Dropshipping Products

In the world of 2020, where e-commerce has become more popular than ever, competition is fierce and has forced entrepreneurs to take on new business tactics like dropshipping. The question is then, with so many players in the market, how do these businesses find competitive dropshipping products?    To start, we need to understand what dropshipping

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Digital Marketing Agency Nanaimo

Your 2019 Holiday Digital Marketing Strategy Guide

Planning months ahead for a holiday campaign can sound like you’re jumping the gun, but to marketers, it’s the perfect time to start thinking up online campaign ideas. As the holiday season is quickly approaching, it’s essential that your business has the right marketing strategy guidelines laid out to boost engagement and skyrocket sales.  Online

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