Nanaimo Marketing Agency

The Importance of a Well-Maintained Website

Do you ever explore a company’s website for the first time and receive a less than terrific first impression? Perhaps the site was lacking in relevant content and contained outdated information, lackluster photographs, that gave you the impression no one has been paying it much attention in quite some time. Perhaps you further decided the company would treat a customer the same way—neglectful and lacking in relevant information?

After you remember how you feel visiting an unkempt website, it becomes crystal clear how important a well-maintained website is to your business. What does it mean to be well-maintained? Chiefly, that your site contains current information, remains protected from viral threats, and offers your customers value. Still, there is more.


  1. Your Website needs to Remain Current and Ever Evolving: Technology changes rapidly and if your website isn’t keeping up with competitors, it’s going to become apparent to your potential and current customers. To accommodate new technology, business owners can make incremental changes several times per year, or have a major update performed every few years. The choice is up to you but do it! A modern business site surpasses competitors who aren’t paying attention to the future.
  2. Your Website is often your Company’s First Impression: Therefore, you need to ask yourself if it gives a favourable first impression, the one you want to shout out to your potential clients. Are the pages updated with current sales, testimonials, and copyrights? If all your web pages are fresh, your patrons will feel your company is trustworthy and competent.
  3. Your Website needs Protection: The world wide web is crawling with hackers and bugs just waiting to attack unprotected sites. For example, your web-based software should be regularly updated with bug fixes or it can be left vulnerable to attack. Hackers can gain access easily through outdated software, thereafter infecting visitors to the site. Furthermore, Google may delist your site if malware is detected. Purchasing adequate website protection is just common sense.
  4. Your Website needs Updated Content Regularly: The more often you add fresh content to your site, the more often search engines will visit and boost your rankings. Otherwise, they may begin to drop for key words. No question, SEO maintenance is essential to your website traffic.
  5. Keep Visitors Visiting: How do you keep customers dropping in online? By providing up-to-date, relevant information that assists them in reaching their goals. Consider creating a monthly newsletter or regular blog posts that keep people coming back for more, gaining trust in your site as a source of expert information. Build relationships with your customer base that lasts.

Ask yourself the following questions: Is my website living up to my expectations? Does it look as innovative and professional as I envisioned? Is it driving traffic and new customers to my company? If not, our team of experts can assist you in keeping your website appearing professional and cutting-edge.