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Are You Evolving?

The fascinating world of business marketing is an ever-evolving beast; if your business is not keeping pace with the changes, neglect could lead to its’ eventual demise. Indeed, if you’re not adapting to the current marketplace, you’re not nurturing and growing your business as much as you could.

Staying a step or two ahead of trends, or possibly creating new ones, is completely achievable when you’re willing to adjust or rework your marketing strategies. If you think remaining with the tried and true old way of presenting your business to the world is going to work just fine, then you may be in for utter disappointment. 

Evolution in Real Time

Two clear examples of resisting evolution comprise the cases of Blockbuster Video and Tim Horton’s. In the instance of Blockbuster, they didn’t change with the digital age and therefore died a rapid death. The first one opened in 1985 and became the most popular video rental destination. Still, remaining complacent was their downfall.

According to an article on, the founder of the newcomer (at the time) Netflix suggested a partnership with the Blockbuster CEO to run the Blockbuster brand online, with the arrival of online entertainment. However, he was laughed at.

Thereafter, Blockbuster went bankrupt in 2010 and we all know how insanely successful Netflix has become. True story. Undoubtedly, if a 10-year old were to see a VHS video today, they may wonder aloud if it’s a relic from the dark ages.

With respect to Tim Horton’s, they are fighting to stay relevant, in particular with younger generations. Although successfully catering to a more mature customer base, they are suffering from the damage of a franchise lawsuit and resulting negative media. With a new marketing strategy in place, ‘Winning Together’, they are hoping to recover. However, the slow response may be too late.

Certain competitors have already surpassed the iconic Canadian company by appealing to younger kids, whereas Timmies is viewed as old-fashioned by today’s hipsters. After all, millennials want their vegan-friendly food options.

The mission of our daring team of marketing specialists is to help you maintain an exciting, ongoing relationship with your clients. Evolution Business Media Group accomplishes this goal through innovative and intentional marketing solutions.

Making your business both competitive and relevant takes courage, grit, and a willingness to evolve. EBMG builds your branding and design with trending multi-media rich content development. We further help you educate your customers with informational marketing, helping you outshine your competitors.

A short sample of what’s coming in the year ahead:

Marketing Trends for 2020

  • Personalized Marketing
  • High-quality Content
  • Relevant Video Content
  • Google Ads
  • Interactive Content
  • Shoppable Posts

The list goes on. Therefore, maintaining an open mind and tackling new trends is of vital importance to growing your business and remaining competitive. We’re with you in developing a vision for your future—not snoozing over yesterday’s success. Wake up and evolve!



Photo Credits to Riccardo Annandale

Blog Written by Tara Panrucker