The World of Social Media is a Powerful Marketing Tool
Have you ever seen a swan sailing majestically across the smooth surface of a pond? Well, despite its cool and elegant appearance, the only reason the stately creature is moving is because it’s furiously kicking its feet beneath the water. That analogy is at the heart of Social Media Marketing (SMM). In its most basic sense SMM involves the marketing of a business through social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. But developing a working online presence goes far beyond opening an account. The key to SMM success is the continual feeding of that page with relevant, useful information – the whole feet kicking part of the operation.
Social Media Marketing is one of the easiest and most economical ways to tell the world about yourself and your business. With an investment of little more than your time and ingenuity you can have a place at the Internet table that can be accessed by anyone, from anywhere. SMM is an excellent way to develop brand recognition, offer personal insights into your business and of course to reach a vast potential audience. For any social media marketing campaign to succeed however fresh material should be regularly posted that will encourage new and repeat visitors. If your Facebook page remains unchanged week after week there is no incentive for visitors to return.
“SMM is an excellent way to develop brand recognition, offer personal insights into your business and of course to reach a vast potential audience”
It is also important to remember that a personal social media presence, where you post holiday snaps or photos of your children’s recent recital, is different from the page used to promote your business. The personal and professional parts of your life should remain distinct and separate – unless of course you’re a celebrity or someone whose personal life is a marketable part of the business. You are in business because you know certain things, or are better at specific tasks than other people. That makes you an authority in your subject area. Your unique knowledge is what makes you different than everyone else, and is the very core of the message you want to distribute via SMM.
Once social media websites have been created use them to promote your business by regularly producing and posting short, concise messages that contain information that will be of genuine value to a reader. If you’re a carpenter provide some do it yourself hints, if you’re a REALTOR® promote a new property, if you’re a pet groomer offer tips on keeping Fido beautiful. Whatever your professional expertise use the social media outlets to get the message out, ideally two or three times a week. Keep the posts short, make certain it is original information (no plagiarizing!) and ensure the grammar and spelling is accurate. Regularly interacting with your clients via social media enhances your brand’s credibility and will ultimately translate itself into increased traffic and sales. Effective SMM does not occur overnight, but over time can dramatically expand your exposure and your bottom line. If you don’t want to dive into the depths of Social Media Marketing alone give Evolution Business Media Group a call and see how we can help get your message out together.