marketing lessons

5 Lessons I Learned Working as Marketing Coordinator at Evolution

It’s been ten long and short months since I began in the role of Marketing Coordinator here at Evolution here in the spring of 2021. During that time, I’ve had the pleasure of working with over a dozen clients from a wide range of industries – including regional airlines, law firms, contractors, theatre production companies, caving tour operators and almost everything in-between.

After almost a year of great experiences and lessons learned, I am leaving for a role with a different company. Although March 2021 definitely does not feel that long ago, for me the past year has been a case study in adapting to the competing needs and priorities that anyone at a marketing agency can attest to.

Having been a recent university graduate when I first started at Evolution, I thought my days of learning were more or less over – now is not the time to learn, but to apply what I’ve already learned. Or, so I thought. Having a university education definitely prepares you for the kind of project-based work that is the mainstay of most marketing roles, but it’s only the beginning to learning about this industry – and definitely not the end.

This forms the first of 10 lessons that I’ve learned on the job here at Evolutions, lessons that I’ll carry with me as I continue my career in marketing.

1. The best marketers never stop learning.

While I definitely don’t claim the title of ‘best marketer’, one thing that I’ve noticed above all else in this role is that once you stop learning, you’re falling behind. You could live a hundred lifetimes and never learn everything about any field, and marketing is no exception. Having an open mind makes a massive difference and it doesn’t just benefit you – it also benefits your customers, to whom every marketer is ultimately accountable.

2. The best marketers never stop listening to customers.

In my experience, the best marketers I know are the ones who are always listening to customers. They’re passionate about delivering innovative and personalized experiences to their audience in the language of their customers. This is marketing at its best: simple and approachable messaging that your buyer understands.

3. Marketing and sales are two sides of the same coin.

This definitely rings true in an agency role, where you’re often as much of a salesperson as a marketer in some respects. Creating effective marketing strategies is crucial, but it isn’t the only thing to consider. You also need to have the personal touch to best understand what clients are looking for. Sometimes marketing can boil down to “I like that person” or “I don’t like that person”, and making sure clients are happy with what you’re doing for them goes a long way.

4. Get on the same side as your customers.

It’s all well and good producing marketing copy that tells potential customers how great you are – but ultimately that alone is rarely enough. You’ve got to put yourself in their shoes – why do they need to buy this, and why do they

5. Everything is about budget and resources.

Marketing effectively comes down to money and resources. Anybody can design an effective marketing plan that involves spending unlimited money – but, obviously, that isn’t how the world works. Providing value for money is everything in marketing.


It’s been a pleasure working with Chris Cathers at Evolution Business Marketing and Communications, and I can definitely attest to his marketing insights and dedication in putting the client first.

All the best,
