Google AdWords Vocabulary Made Simple

Google AdWords, also known as Google Ads, is a powerful marketing platform designed by Google where businesses can pay to have their content strategically placed to reach a well-targeted audience. These advertisements are most commonly placed in the results of search engines, known as Search Engine Marketing or SEM, and when strategically used can have very positive impacts for a company.

Like any industry, Google AdWords has its fair share of jargon. So instead of letting you fumble around attempting to piece everything together, we have made a simple list of Google AdWords vocabulary. Trust us, learning the language of Google AdWords now will have you saving time and energy later!

    1. Ad Groups – are advertisements that share a common theme or target. You can have multiple ad groups and organize them by categories such as the type of product or service.


    1. Campaign(s) – is made up of different advertisements and has multiple ad groups. You can run multiple campaigns at a time through one Google account.


    1. Campaign Type – Your campaign type determines where you want your advertisements to be seen. Google offers three main placement strategies.
      1. ‘Search Network Only’ – This means your advertisements will show up only within Google search results.
      2. ‘Display Network Only’ – Also known as AdSense, this option allows for your ads to be displayed within Google’s network of websites, videos, YouTube, blogs, and more.
      3. ‘Search Network and Display’ – is a mix of both search and display.


    1. Keywords – these are super important to any online marketing strategy. These are the specific words and phrases that you use for your campaign that will determine exactly where and when your advertisements will appear. Your keywords are how your audience will find you, it is important that you take the time to research and select them correctly. For more information on keywords view our blog post on Understanding SEO in 2020.


    1. Impression(s) – this is a number and it dictates how many times your advertisement has been shown to an audience. High impressions do not always mean high conversions.


    1. Click-Through Rate (CTR) – an impression is how many times someone has seen your ad. Your click-through rate measures how many times people have physically clicked on your advertisement.


    1. Landing Page – This is the page on your website that all of your traffic will be directed to from your ads.


    1. Bidding Strategy – depending on the goal for your campaign, clicks, impressions, views, or conversions you can select a tailored bidding strategy. These strategies are how you set your bid to pay the viewer interactions that you are after.


    1. Daily Budget – this is the spending limit you set for your ad campaign. Your budget is divided out between the days of the month, meaning some days may be higher than others. But don’t fret Google will never go over your budget so you can plan your marketing strategies accordingly.


    1. CPM – this is the cost per thousand impressions. As we said before the number of impressions you receive can quickly climb, your cost per thousand impressions helps you to get a better idea of how your money is being spent.


    1. Quality Score – this looks at the same factors that Google’s SEO ranking measurements do including the relevancy of your headline, meta description, keywords, and landing page. These factors together give you the overall Quality Score of your campaign. The higher your score is the better the placement you can get for your advertisements.


    1. Split TestingA/B testing is a method of split testing that enables you to pinpoint what aspects of your campaign are working by running two variances of the same campaign at the same time. These variances should be presented to different segments of your market.


Google AdWords has quickly become one of the market’s most powerful marketing tools. With so much to learn, it can be a little overwhelming at times, but we promise you if you take the time to learn it, it will pay off in the end.

Feel like you could use a little guidance with your Google AdWords? Our professional marketing team at Evolution Business Marketing & Communications is well versed in all things Google Ads, call us at 1-250-740-1844 to book a consultation today.