Nanaimo Web Development

The Power of E-Mail Marketing

While company websites and Social Media pages offer tremendous exposure and communications clout, many experts believe the ubiquitous e-mail may be one of the most effective business marketing tools ever devised. McKinsey and Company, a marketing conglomerate with offices worldwide suggested in a recent posting that e-mail marketing may be 40 times more effective at attracting new business than Twitter and Facebook combined! Capitalizing on the awesome reach, speed and economy of an e-mail based promotional campaign can be an excellent investment for companies seeking to expand its customer base.

Evolution Business Media Group (EBMG) views e-mail marketing as one of key tools in its advertising toolkit. By using e-mail marketing a firm can reach a vast number of past and prospective clients without the staggering costs and logistics involved in orchestrating a traditional marketing blitz. Before the advent of e-mail the only way of reaching a company’s audience would be through a time-consuming and costly mail out campaign or by traditional means employing a combination of print and electronic advertising. With e-mail marketing a company can use the database of names it already collects to send out key messages, either to individuals, select groups or everyone in the database depending on the goals of the campaign.

“Before the advent of e-mail the only way of reaching a company’s audience would be through a time-consuming and costly mail out campaign”

The key word in this endeavor is ‘campaign’ – no blitz is a one shot thing, but is always part of a planned and orchestrated effort that could span days or even weeks. Every e-mail marketing campaign has to begin with a welcoming message that explains the purpose of the drive. This could be a new product launch, a corporate change or announcement, a fund-raising effort, a special offer or just about anything else. Each e-mail sent as part of the blitz should be consistent in appearance and style so the recipient understands the missive is part of an overall communications effort. Every e-mail must have an accurate and punchy subject line to inform the recipient what the message is about and must also have the sending company’s contact information clearly displayed at the bottom. It’s also wise to personalize each e-mail with the recipient’s name at the top.

“Each e-mail sent as part of the blitz should be consistent in appearance and style so the recipient understands the missive is part of an overall communications effort”

Another central element in organizing any effective e-mail campaign is to not overdo the effort. A blitz could easily backfire if too many messages are sent in too small a time frame. There is no hard and fast rule as to what the ‘correct’ number of e-mails is, but some authorities believe that more than one promotional e-mail from your company per week (unless to announce some time-sensitive issue) can be seen as a nuisance. E-mail marketing efforts are as varied as the reasons for launching the campaigns. If you think this could be a useful part of your promotional efforts but you don’t want to go it alone, contact Evolution Business Media Group and let us help put this exciting marketing tool to work for you.